How to Unbrick Your Samsung Android Phones with One-Click UnBrick Guide

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 05 Februari 2014 0 komentar

Normally Samsung android phones are so secure to flash. But you are unlucky and got your phone bricked during flashing, rooting or upgrading.

Here is a good news for You – A developer come up with a software called One-Click UnBrick for Samsung android phones. This small utility uses Odin to repair our Samsung phones. Almost all Samsung phones with android éclair and above can be repair with this tool (few exceptions – it is working on some Android 1.5 too)
Complete Step-By-Step Instructions:
  1. Extract the "One-Click.jar" file using 7zip or any other extracting tool. Now you will get a "OneClick" folder.
  2. Copy the "OneClick.jar" file and paste it into the "OneClick\heimdalloneclick\resources\HeimdallPackage" folder.
  3. Right-click on the "oneclickloader.exe" file and choose "Run as Administrator".
  4. Proceed with the installation of Heimdall.
  5. After the installation is complete, you will see the the One-Click UnBrick interface.
  6. Connect the phone to computer via USB and click on the "unsoft brick" button to recover your bricked Samsung android phone.
This method was originally posted via XDA-Developer original thread.
Judul: How to Unbrick Your Samsung Android Phones with One-Click UnBrick Guide
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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