Weather Notification App In the notification Bar For Android 4.1

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 21 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Google with his Android 4.1 operating system version or usually also known as Jelly Bean actually have bring many awesome features that can't found on android ics version. although this version needs higher device specifications so you can runs the jelly bean with project butter smoothly. You can read list of android 4.1 features for more complete information. Android is good

And now Android 4.1 finally started to expand the traditional notification bar with a few functions, so you can use them much better. It can, among other things immediately, so far the developer had brings some new features in their apps integrate, it will interact in the notifications and they can also expand upon request. Among other uses, the simple but beautiful app called Weather Notification App which reveals the function from its name already that will let give you weather notification on your android smartphone.

Weather Notification App

weather notification app for android 4.1

What's funny is that the one-line description of the Google Play store no longer really can not add much.
A simple application Which displays the current weather conditions and a 4 day forecast in the Android notification shade.

To download the free app can be found in the Google Play Store . If you would like to have always the weather in mind, the app should be definitely worth to look this app. You will need to be on Android 4.1 or higher to run it.

Download weather notification app from google play
or if you want you also can download and save it into apk file, read how to get apk file from google play.
Judul: Weather Notification App In the notification Bar For Android 4.1
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